Mon 27 Jan
Need some special attention? feeling wild and freaky? let me show you your wild side! let me kiss u! - 30
(Detroit, redford)
////--/-// ___________ luscious lusters I'm what ur lookin 4************ ///--/-/// ** 734 686 5202 - 19
(Detroit, call)
Lady Mone'i ***Slim goodie special*** 50$ 70$ "Lady Mone'i *248 996 7454* 88 Twice ur Bi goodie slim - 21
(Detroit, Dearborn, michigan and telegraph)
COme get this sexy snow bunny, have u been wanting grand River n telegraph , SPECIALS right here... - 27
(Dearborn / Livonia, Detroit, tele n grand river)
Tue 21 Jan
NEW WeT Nationwide SPINNER Sexy ReDBone Cum HAVE IT UR WaY - 20
$$ ((New to BP)) Th3 Fr3@ki3st Fr3ak w/ the F@tt3st Bo0ty $60 Outcalls.. 3137044718 - 20
(Detroit, Outcalls everywhere)
$$ ((New to BP)) Th3 Fr3@ki3st Fr3ak w/ the F@tt3st Bo0ty... $50 Incalls $75 Outcalls 3137044718 - 20
(Detroit, 96 telegraph/ Outcalls everywhere)
////--/-// ___________ luscious lusters I'm what ur lookin 4************ ///--/-/// ** 248 277 0432 - 19
(Detroit, call)
Delicious treat ready and willing to satisy your sweettooth from top to bottom - 24
(Detroit, Detroit/redford/dearborne)
B¡G B0ob$ F@T Bo0tY & @ SuP3r Fr3@k $50 incalls $70 outcalls ((3137044718)) - 20
(Detroit, 96 telegraph incall/ Outcalls everywhere)
Fri 10 Jan
*incalls* *outcalls* Rachael a beautiful& friendly hardbody * - 29
(Detroit, Downriver or 12 and Orchard lake)
Tue 07 Jan
*incalls* *outcalls* Rachael a beautiful& friendly hardbody * - 29
(Detroit, Downriver or 12 and Orchard lake)
Sun 05 Jan
**Beautiful Soft Sexii MsCandy Lady** 60$ $PECIALS!! *In And Out Calls** - 19
(Detroit, 8mile&Telegraph; IN And OUT CALLS!)
Fri 03 Jan